Animal Reiki – A Holistic Approach to Animal Healing

Reiki can offer benefits to animals as well as humans. It is a gentle technique that promotes relaxation and healing. It is non-invasive, and can never cause harm, and is a wonderful complement to traditional veterinary medicine (not a replacement for), as well as other holistic healing methods. This technique is used in the hospital setting (for humans) across the country, including Memorial Sloan Kettering. It helps support cancer patients as they recover from surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Minimally, a recipient of Reiki feels a flow of relaxation and peacefulness during the session. More significant benefits include pain reduction and an acceleration of recovery time.

For animals, Reiki is an ideal method, since it is energy-based and does not have to be given “hands on”. It is effective at a distance, so it is helpful for feral or aggressive animals and can be offered near their cages, or in an outdoor setting. It is incredibly beneficial for shelter animals, who most often have kennel anxiety and may have suffered through abusive pasts.

I have had the experience of offering Reiki sessions to a multitude of different animals over time, including those in shelters, clients’ animals, as well as to my own pets. This method is useful for a range of ailments and is not limited to helping any specific condition. Reiki can also ease the situation in the home of a sick or old animal who is ready to pass. In this case, it often serves to improve the quality of life in an animal’s final days, as well as bringing a measure of peacefulness and acceptance to the animal’s human family. I even participated in bereavement sessions for a dog who had lost her canine sibling and was showing signs of grief. The sessions helped her visibly relax and heal from her loss.

I always consider any animal as a partner in healing in the sense that I make it clear the animal has the choice of accepting Reiki, and how much energy he/she wishes to take, as well as choosing from a distance or close-up with “hands-on” touch. Most animals have an intuitive sensitivity to energy and are quite receptive. I have always felt a special connection to our furry friends and so have included a special focus on animals in my Reiki practice. As a Reiki teacher, I offer classes to students who want to practice on people, but additionally have incorporated a specific curriculum targeted toward those who wish offer Reiki to animals, whether for their own pets or possibly at shelters on a voluntary basis.

In the near future, I hope to see complementary and alternative methods, such as Reiki, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Acupressure, and herbal medicine become more available and accepted in the veterinary world. I firmly believe that combining holistic methods with traditional medicine to achieve a blend of both “Eastern and Western” systems will result in better overall care, healing, and longevity for the animals in our lives.

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